Linky Loves...

7:30 AM

Hi All :-)
Welcome to another weekly round of...

1. Clicked on this link via Facebook through the week and found it rather a great reminder. The author has spun the points around to being happy with your art/creative life but each point can be very applicable just to everyday living and removing certain things in your life to be more happy. Have a read :-)

2. Ali Edwards has released a new class - it starts Novemeber. I've signed up. Love anything and everything this chick does :-)

3. I came across this blog via the Clever Cookie Blog School class I'm doing. I thought her post about being whole and loving ourselves realistically was a great read. I was particularly drawn to the point about befriending the woman I see in the mirror! It's part of the journey I am on particularly this year as I make choices and discoveries about myself. I believe happiness starts with being you and staying true to you and your beliefs and values. Own the good AND bad about you. 

4. Are you diminishing your joy? You may identify with one, many or all of these points that Rachel outlines but don't feel down about it, ACT on it and find ways to increase your joy :-) 
I soooo connected with much of what she highlighted - I am a work in progress that's for sure...I guess we all are in some way or other hey!?!

5. I always like looking at this blog because of all the yarny eye candy! I think THIS is pretty darn gorgeous - LOVE IT!

And there you have it!
Enjoy clicking and reading away ;-)

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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